Thursday, July 16, 2020

Throwback Thursday: Game of Life

This was another project I found while cleaning up: an old Eyes Open Now workshop. The original description for the workshop was "Using old game sets, collage and paint, we will explore representing our lives in game form. Will you use your game to represent events in your past or will you use it to map your spiritual journey? Are the playing pieces aspects of yourself or other “players” in your life? Perhaps you’ll want to explore what rules are in your personal game of life. How you want to play is entirely up to you!"

Mine is an altered Monopoly for kids game that I picked up at a garage sale or thrift store. Here's the box cover. It could use more work but I wanted to get to the game itself.
Here's the board. I used hand carved images for different aspects of my life that felt important.
Can you see the little rectangles that are marked off near the images? Those are for the game cards.

I came up with a word or phrase that came up for me for each area. I wrote them on deli paper and then adhered them to the cards. 

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